Wednesday, June 6, 2012

How Much Have You Saved?

Good evening everyone,

Before I get started on my regular post, my boyfriend asked me an interesting question today and I want to share the results with you. If you've read the title of this post, you know the question: "How much have you saved?" Very good question, and I'm not really certain so let's find out, shall we? It's been about 2 months since I started sampling and I think I've done pretty well for a beginner.

Samples are kind of hard to estimate the value of but I have received some expensive samples, so I'm just going to take a guesstimate of $35. This does not include those samples I know are on their way. I have at least another $12 in samples or more arriving sometime!

Other Freebies, non winnings
 I got an refund of $15.29 plus a free $9.99 item when I received the wrong item in the mail, which they were nice enough to allow me to keep.

Here's what I've won so far.. I'm only including those I've actually received, as there are a few items I have not received.

O.P.I. New York City Ballet Minis - retail, I believe is $8.50
Jamberry Nail Shields, Blue Leopard - $15
Certain Dri Antiperspirant - retail price $5.50
Deborah Lippmann Footloose - retail price $16

Most of these I bought with Web site credits

Zoya Cynthia - $8, I bought it for 1 cent
Zoya Opal and OPI Black Shatter - retail $8 and $8.50, I bought for $2.45 total
Zoya Holly and Luck - retail price $8 and $6, I bought these for $6.95 total
LA Colors JewelTone - bought for 80 cents. Finding a retail price for this was hard, but I know LA Colors are often sold for only $1. The retail prices I have seen are $2 - $2.5 so I will go with $2.
Kleancolor Holo Yellow - $3.49, I bought it for 1 cent
Sally Hansen Hard-Core Party, Hard as Nails White Tip #07 and Red Hot - I bought for $4.77 total, they seem to retail at $6.50 a piece so retail of $19.50 total

I haven't been using coupons long, only a few weeks. I don't get many coupons, and most of the items I buy I don't get coupons for; I simply buy them on sale. However, I've saved at least $8 so far with coupons.

Total Savings
So, as far as a guesstimate goes for my total savings so far, it looks like I've saved:
$161.78 over the past 2 months!
That's mostly just on beauty related items, too! It doesn't include the $20 or so I save each week on groceries (the coupons I listed were for groceries, however.) Just in case you were wondering how much actual money I spent, here's that total as well: $14.99.

So, next time I'm told "I'm bad at saving money" I'm just going to shake my head and laugh.

How about you? How much have you managed to save just by sampling?

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