Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Nail Mail!

I got a bunch of goodies in the mail today, including 2 prizes and 1 purchase. I'll start off with the purchase. A couple of weeks ago, I was browsing the blogs and came across a post about Missing U hand creams. I don't remember right now which blog shared these, so forgive me... but when I saw the post, I just thought these were the cutest things ever! Let me show you my picture so you'll understand what I'm talking about :D

I wasn't planning on actually buying this, but my boyfriend - the same person who waited 3 months to buy shoes he desperately needed despite being able to afford them  - told me to buy it. I didn't purchase it right away, but I saw it was on sale on Amazon so I broke down and got it.

The Missing U! hand cremes are made in South Korea, so it was really cool to get my mail and see all of the Korean writing on the package. The packaging itself is 100% recycled paper, printed with Soy ink. Here's the description on the box:
"Our endangered animal friends are rapidly becoming extinct from the planet... I really want to see you... I miss you!
Hi - I am Panda
I live in China, love to eat bamboo and practice kung-fu."

The panda itself is a little bit smaller than we expected, but it is so adorable! I don't care how big it is. I absolutely love this because even after I use the hand creme and it's long gone, I'll have the cute little panda to remind me. I bought mine from Seoul Glamour on Amazon for $8.08. It looks like they no longer carry the panda, or they are just out of it right now, but they do have some of the other critters. There is a seal, penguin, lady bug, bee and more cute critters available with the hand cremes. They also make lip balms and some other products. Seoul Glamour also sent me a sample of Etude House's Precious Mineral BB Cream. Etude House is the maker of the Missing U! line of products.

I also received the Essie Plumberry I won from Be Someone Cute! This is my first Essie polish so I'm ecstatic! Melissa was sweet enough to include a lemon Pez candy, also. My favorite Pez :)

I have to say, Plumberry looks even prettier in real life, I can't wait to try this one out.

My last goodie comes with a story. A couple of days ago Christina at Adventures in Polishland sent me an email to let me know she had mailed my prizes, and she let me know she reused a Julep box for the packaging... well, it was probably at least 105 degrees in my house today so needless to say I slept about 4 - 5 hours. I woke up and checked my mail and saw the Julep box and my first thought was "Oh no, what did they send me by mistake?" My second thought was "Oh, maybe they sent me some secret special surprise for free?" and finally I remembered Christina's message so I laughed at myself. Meanwhile, I knew what was in this box, I knew by the Korean packaging what was in the second box, but I couldn't for the life of me figure out what the third package was :b

So here's what I got from Christina!
I won 3 LA Splash products: Nail Art Glitter in Mardi Gras, Blowfish Blue and Glitter Top Coat. I'm definitely looking forward to trying these three out.. I would have done it today if I weren't so tired. I'm super excited about trying these out because I've never worked with actual glitter before, and these are my first LA Splash products so it should be fun :)

Thanks for letting me share my winnings with you all today!

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