Monday, July 23, 2012

It's All About You, Kissy!

My tips were finally starting to show a couple of days ago so I applied 2 layers of Sinful Colors Kissy over top my manicure. Kissy is a very pretty teal, but in my house light it looks green. As you can tell from my photo, I prefer wider tips than usual. I know a lot of times people just do a small, narrow tip but I like doing a wider tip which recreates the illusion of your real nails. Kissy is very pretty and covered very easily.. I'm definitely growing very fond of my new found Sinful Colors polishes.

Anyway, after wearing my nails like this for about a day or so, my boyfriend finally pointed out I was wearing Green Bay Packers nails. While I am not a football fan AT ALL, the more I thought about it, the more I thought how funny it was we both now associate green and gold with the Packers.

He's lived here in Wisconsin for over 3 years now, I've lived here for just under 3. Having lived in Canton, Ohio, the majority of my life I know I previously would have associated my nails with Glen Oak High School. GlenOak is mildly infamous, by the way, because it is one of the schools Marilyn Manson attended as a child. I lived down the street from the Christan school he attended, but I'm getting way off the subject here.

This got me thinking about how weird it was that in just 3 short years I now associate green and gold with the Packers before I do GlenOak. I'm just curious, what do you associate these colors with? I'm sure it's different everywhere, especially globally! I'd really like to know so please, do share!


  1. I like to keep my tip lines where my normal nails are too :) BTW I suppose I associate green and gold with St Patrick's day lol. (PS Please for the love of my sanity get rid of the stupid captchas!)

    1. lol did not realize I had captcha set.. will do! as soon as I figure out how to get rid of it..

      St. Patrick's day? that seems weird :D

    2. HAHA I just realized why you associate green and gold with St. Patrick's Day... I'm slow :b
