Thursday, July 5, 2012

My First Voxbox and My Collection of Crosses

First of all, I probably won't be posting much the next couple of days... today it was over 100 degrees. We don't have A/C and to make matters worse, we can't open the windows in our computer room. I slept maybe 4 or 5 hours today. Sleeping during the day, when it's hottest outside, is definitely for the birds. I want to give my a computer a break today so it doesn't get too hot... I've already posted the ending giveaways and freebies for tomorrow... I'll be posting some new giveaways later but probably not for a few more hours. So I won't be posting much on Facebook and Twitter, either. Just to let you know. Tomorrow it's supposed to be cooler, but with the heat index it will still probably be near 100. Hoping for cooler weather soon!

Anyway, I got a couple of surprises today: my cross necklace which I bought from for just 1 penny, and my first Voxbox! I'm not going to share my Voxbox with you all yet, but here's a sneak peak. If you haven't joined yet, it's absolutely free! You just sign up, fill out some surveys and do some other actions around the site. Every so often they send out Voxboxes to those meeting certain requirements. It's completely free and all you have to do is try out the products and review them once you're done. As I said, this was my first Voxbox but it was a winner: I was literally dancing as I opened it because I was so excited! I can't wait to try out these products and share them with you :)

Disclaimer: I received each product complimentary for testing purposes from Influenster.

Moving on, here's my cross.. if you haven't joined Copious yet, you can join today and instantly get $10 credit to spend on the store. You just have to pay 1 cent service fee. They sell jewelry, nail polish, clothes and more.

The cross is really pretty and pretty much looks like it did in the photos on Copious. It's very light weight.. we think it's probably made out of tin. The chain is very long but adjustable. I'm very happy with it. I was kind of worried I would get it and it would turn out to be some cheap plastic Chinese garbage but it isn't. My boyfriend made a comment that it looks a bit like something Ozzy Osbourne would wear; I suppose it does.

I have a *very* small collection of crosses.. this is the first one I've gotten in years, and I've actually been wanting a new one for awhile so I was very excited when I found it. Since I was posting this, I figured I'd share my other crosses with you as well.

The first two I bought years ago.. maybe 12 or 13 years ago on eBay. I believe they were each about $18. The third one I don't remember for certain where I got it.. it seems to me it somehow ended up in my mom's attic, but I thought I had purchased it at a gem and mineral show years ago. I really don't recall.

I have one more but it's stored away in the closet and it's just too hot to go digging looking for it so I'm going to see if I can find a photo online. It's my favorite cross, and it is a gorgeous one at that.

This one was a Christmas present years ago... it was sold by a really cool New Age catalog company called the Pyramid Collection. They are very expensive but they sell a ton of awesome stuff... when I moved a few years ago, I requested the catalog just so I could look through it. As a teenager I got a ton of fashion ideas looking at their clothes. Really fun to look at! I couldn't find this piece on their Web site, so I don't know if they stopped carrying it or what. They sold it for many, many years during the 90s and into the 00s.

Ironically, I started my collection back many years ago when I considered myself Agnostic.. but now that I'm Christian again of course I love them more.

That's it for me tonight, at least for a few hours. Thanks for reading!

1 comment:

  1. Cute! Glad you got that one from Copious especially since now I'm convinced I would have turned green ;)
