This is going to be photo intense, but it's also going to be a long post so please keep that in mind. Hope you enjoy all of my lovely pretties :)
The past few weeks have been insane... I've won at least one giveaway each week. Just in case you get mistaken by thinking I'm just lucky, let me tell you a little story. Last week, I was walking home from the grocery store and carrying 2 plastic bags and 2 paper bags. Out of no where it suddenly started down-pouring rain. I didn't make it home before the paper bags fell apart on me. I somehow made it just across the street from my home when the 2nd paper bag broke, so I gathered up all of the paper bag stuff, ran to my house, leaving the plastic bags on the side walk.. yelled for my boyfriend to home help me, then ran back across the street and gathered up the plastic bags. As I was gathering my things, someone stopped in a vehicle and asked me if I needed a plastic bag (yes, ten minutes ago!)
So, not so lucky. Although I suppose I was lucky no one came by and stole my food, or that no animals got to it. Anyway, I'm not lucky when it comes to giveaways: I just enter a ton of them! From now on I'm going to be a bit more restrictive in what I enter, but I will continue to post everything I find even if I don't enter them.
July started out with Julep. After finding out I could get America for free, as well as the gift voucher for a free polish, I talked my boyfriend into letting me get July's Maven box. Then I put myself on a "no buy". Let's see how that went, shall we? HAHAHAHA
Paid $19.99, retail value $60.
Same day I got this in the mail:
Family Dollar had a coupon, spend $25, get $5 back. These two were both on sale, ended up spending $1.50 on them, saving myself $5.50.
Julep had a flash sale, and I had to take advantage of it, since I
still had my gift voucher. $50 worth of items, and I got it for $3.79.
Yes, I am definitely on a "No Buy" now. Positively. Not buying anything else.
Then I received my Summer Voxbox from, and I received my first magnetic polish, for free!
Roughly about the same time I put myself on a No Buy, again, I found out my grocery store started selling Sinful Colors polish, and I got a coupon which let me buy 4 at 98 cents each. I couldn't pass that up, now could I? Spent $4.12, saved about $4.
Then there's Copious... I bought Essie's Shine of the Times but at least I made out good there... $8 polish and I bought it for a penny. Let's see, I also bought my first nail tape for 1 cent at this time. Plus a shirt, but I ended up paying a few bucks for it.
Then, I found yet a second Sinful Colors coupon, same offer. I couldn't turn that down, now could I?
.... and once again Copious gave me more credit, so there's another penny.
Of course, once I had finally said that's enough! Walgreens decides to sell Sinful Colors at 99 cents a piece. I wasn't going to take advantage of this until I found they were having a special 15% off promotional code, and I found some really awesome sales. I ended up saving over $20 on my purchase, and I bought a ton of stuff I normally would not buy, but for the same price as my normal purchases. Oh, and I ended up needing like 80 cents or something silly to get free shipping so I threw a Wet n Wild polish in there, and ended up buying all of my polishes for 84 cents each.
Enter the Sinful Colors drama, and I'm suddenly cursing for buying so many of their polishes this month and falling in love with the brand. Oh well!
I won 2 polishes and some nail glitter from Adventures in Polishland.
I also won my first Essie from Be Someone Cute.
I won Wet n Wild minis from Pretty Face, Happy Bank.
And that brings us to today, July 31, the last day of July - and a day in which I won not one but two polish giveaways. I won 8 more polishes today, plus a ton of nail art goodies.
Speaking of nail art.... I also purchased dotting tools and brushes which should be arriving in a couple of days. That was by order of my boyfriend, though, and I did use a ten dollar gift card towards it.
At the beginning of the month, I put all of my old polishes in a box and cleared out my Caboodle to store my new polishes in. I now need a new box just for July's haul.
Not counting the stuff I haven't gotten yet, here's how I made out:
1 cuticle cream, free from
1 nail tape, 1 cent from Copious
1 container of glitter, I won
1 new lip gloss, which I forgot to add in to the photo
1 foot creme, which I also forgot to add to the photo
32 new polishes!
This doesn't even include some of the other stuff I won, or my other really awesome buys! Insanity! LOL
So, what's the damage this month?? Well, I estimate I got about $206.80 worth of beauty products and I paid $36.91. So I went over my "no buy" by about $17, not including the money spent on the dotting tools and brushes... which means I really do need to buy pretty much nothing in August. Let's see how that goes, shall we?
What do you think? How did you make out this month?
Now to hunt down a new box....
Tuesday, July 31, 2012
Try it on Tuesday: But it looks so pretty in the bottle...
This week I wanted to break into my oldie polishes once again, but I have so many of them that I was having a difficult time choosing just one. So instead, I made my boyfriend pick one :)
He just happened to pick one of my generic polishes, shown in the following photo. It is part of a collection of polishes I received as a Christmas present from my sister many years ago. Surprisingly, many of the polishes look really pretty.
The polish I tried out today is the third on in the back row in the previous photo. After trying it out, I now remember exactly why these polishes have gone untouched for so long. They look so pretty, don't they? I'm having trouble finding a good way to describe this polish.. it's kind of a dusty raspberry or even dusty rose color, but it has lots of shimmer. In fact, in some light, it even looks metallic or maybe even chrome.
The color may be gorgeous, but the formula is awful. It was very streaky, clumpy and it didn't dry well at all. The tips of each of my fingernails is now ruined from smudging. What's really weird about this polish is when I applied the top coat, the tips took on almost a matte finish. Weirdest thing I've seen.
See how much it smudged on my pink? It did this on all of my nails, without even really touching them or anything!
It such a shame this polish doesn't apply well, because the color is so gorgeous! I definitely need a dupe of this polish, any ideas?
Nail Mail!
Winnings Mail!
I was so excited this morning because I checked my mail, and I got my prize from Tish at Pretty Face, Happy Bank already! I thought it *might* show up, but I didn't really expect it to for another day at least.
In addition to the Wet n' Wild minis I won, she sent a note on really cute Hello Kitty stationary. I am keeping this note forever, btw :D
She also sent me a couple of Starburst candies, yum! I haven't had those in years. Thank you, Tish!
The polishes are super cute and I think 9021Orange looks like a gorgeous orange so I especially can't wait to try it out.
I would have posted something about this sooner, but I got this literally right before bed, and then my Internet was down for a few hours today. I'm still really excited about these :) Thank you, Tish!
I also got my Yoga-Paws which I won from Donna's Deals and More and I've already gotten a chance to try them out. I do a yoga routine called On the Ball with Sarah Ivanhoe. It's yoga using a stability ball. I have to use a yoga mat with this, to prevent the ball from sliding but I've found with this workout I often run out of room for my feet and sometimes my hands. No more worries about sliding! I expected to get better grounded and more support with the feet paws, but I found wearing them actually made my workouts more challenging... maybe I'm just off balance today, but I definitely seemed to be less grounded. I sweat more than usual, also. In addition to On the Ball, I wore them while doing Tai Chi also. I think the foot paws will help me more with this also. I'll definitely be using them quite a bit and figuring out other things I can use them for. Thanks Donna, and thank you Yoga Paws!
I was so excited this morning because I checked my mail, and I got my prize from Tish at Pretty Face, Happy Bank already! I thought it *might* show up, but I didn't really expect it to for another day at least.
In addition to the Wet n' Wild minis I won, she sent a note on really cute Hello Kitty stationary. I am keeping this note forever, btw :D
She also sent me a couple of Starburst candies, yum! I haven't had those in years. Thank you, Tish!
The polishes are super cute and I think 9021Orange looks like a gorgeous orange so I especially can't wait to try it out.
I would have posted something about this sooner, but I got this literally right before bed, and then my Internet was down for a few hours today. I'm still really excited about these :) Thank you, Tish!
I also got my Yoga-Paws which I won from Donna's Deals and More and I've already gotten a chance to try them out. I do a yoga routine called On the Ball with Sarah Ivanhoe. It's yoga using a stability ball. I have to use a yoga mat with this, to prevent the ball from sliding but I've found with this workout I often run out of room for my feet and sometimes my hands. No more worries about sliding! I expected to get better grounded and more support with the feet paws, but I found wearing them actually made my workouts more challenging... maybe I'm just off balance today, but I definitely seemed to be less grounded. I sweat more than usual, also. In addition to On the Ball, I wore them while doing Tai Chi also. I think the foot paws will help me more with this also. I'll definitely be using them quite a bit and figuring out other things I can use them for. Thanks Donna, and thank you Yoga Paws!
Sunday, July 29, 2012
Nail Care Challenge: Top Coats
Here's part 1: Basecoats and here's part 2: Cuticle Care if you missed either of these.
This week we're talking about Top Coats. I'm also going to briefly touch on Over Coats.
In short, Top Coats are meant to protect the nails and prevent chipping. There's a wide variety and I've found I actually own more than I thought I did simply because a few of my polishes I thought were Over Coats are actually Top Coats. OK, so what's an Over Coat, then? These also come in a wide variety: crackles, flakies, glitters. Essentially anything used to create a special effect; these are applied over your regular polish but under Top Coats.
The only Top Coat I've seen which I want to try is Seche Vite since I've read so many good reviews about it.
Here are the two Top Coats I have used the most, and they're both by Sally Hansen.
Let me start with Sally Hansen's Teflon Tuff. I've been using this one for years, long before I started blogging about polish. I'm not entirely certain it IS a Top Coat. The bottle just describes it as Clear. So I dunno. Just browsing the Internet, I'm not the only one who has been using this as a Top Coat, so there ya go. Mine is old enough that it's started to turn yellow but this doesn't seem to have effected it any. I think it does OK - my nails typically chip within 1 or 2 days with it. I might try using this one to make a Franken at some point :)
My newest Top Coat is Sally Hansen's Insta-Dri. Manicures are supposed to last up to 10 days with this. So far, mine seem to average about 2 days before chipping. One of my recent manicures DID last about 4 or 5 days before chipping and I *think* it was actually my Sinful Colors which lasted the longest, go figure. The thing I love about this Top Coat is it definitely speeds up the drying time. The instructions claim manicures will be dry to the touch after 30 seconds after applying this... I've found it's more like 2 minutes. Whatever, I'm used to waiting hours for manicures to dry so this is definitely my go to Top Coat!
edit: I got a question about the Sally Hansen Insta-Dri: The bottle itself is red, but the Top Coat is clear. Great question, thanks Nichole!
Next up are my new and old Top Coats which I haven't tested out yet. I'll definitely make a point of playing with these 5 over the next few months.
The first one is just a generic polish I received in one of those gift sets you find in Walmart, Walgreens, etc. around Christmas time. Nothing special here, but I will have to try it out more to test it.
Next up are my two CoverGirl polishes.
The pink one is number 420 called Pink Twinkle. I've had this one for several years without ever really using it and guess what? It's a gorgeous flakie! I've just tested it out on a few things but it is really pretty. I definitely need to swatch this one and just use it more in general. Flakies are notoriously difficult to photograph, but here is one manicure I tested it out on.
The purple one is number 410 named Amethyst Mist. It's a really pretty glitter, with a very sheer purple base, micro silver glitters and rainbow hexagon glitters. This one is also gorgeous and I definitely need to use it more often as well. I show cased this one briefly with my first Water Marble.
My last two are brand new: Essie Shine of the Times and LA Splash Glitter Top Coat. I haven't used the LA Splash at all yet. Shine of the Times is actually on my nails right now and oh my it is so beautiful! I haven't had a chance to test it out yet as a Top Coat, however. I just had to share that yes, it is gorgeous :) I didn't know Shine of the Times is a Top Coat until I received it in the mail and looked at the bottle, so there ya go. You never know how many more Top Coats you might have.
Next up are my Over Coats. I just want to mention these here a little bit because they do kind of stand out in a class of their own; however, as my Top Coats prove, sometimes an Over Coat is really a Top Coat.
Sally Hansen Crackles: I recently bought these two from for a penny. I own Distressed Denim and Cherry Smash. These seem to be pretty difficult to work with so far, but I'll keep testing them out. I did discover they seem to crack just fine over Shine of the Times, which btw creates a very cool effect.
OPI Black Shatter is my first and so far favorite crackle / shatter. Here's my manicure using it.
Zoya Opal, I thought, was my first flakie until I realized Pink Twinkle was a flakie. It's really gorgeous, and you can find a few pictures of how I've used it here although as usual, it didn't photograph very well.
So, to summarize, Sally Hansen's Insta-Dri is definitely my most used Top Coat... and I've definitely discovered I need to try out more of those I own more often. Thanks for reading and please let me know if you have any comments or questions!
Saturday, July 28, 2012
Sally Hansen Crackles
One of my readers requested that I test out the Sally Hansen crackles and let her know what I thought. I've read a lot of comments about people having trouble with these polishes; I have to agree. No matter how much or how little polish I used, it definitely didn't crack like it's supposed to. At times it seems like applying a thin coat makes it crack more; other times, this seems to make it crack less. Same thing for applying a thicker coat.
Now I'm no crackle expert, but these definitely seem to be tricky. I'll definitely be testing them out some more and letting you know if I figure out anything. Since I only do one manicure a week, typically by the end of the week I'm ready to do something different with my nails so I'm sure I'll be using these a lot.
Incidentally, I discovered layering Cherry Smash over Distressed Denim creates a very pretty dark reddish purple. Layering Distressed over Distressed Denim creates a very nice matte purple almost black. Layering these you do get very slight cracks, but not too noticeable so it still creates a subtle texture effect.
And layering the entire works with Essie's Shine of the Times makes it really gorgeous! (I needed some glitter in my life, couldn't be helped!)
Now I'm no crackle expert, but these definitely seem to be tricky. I'll definitely be testing them out some more and letting you know if I figure out anything. Since I only do one manicure a week, typically by the end of the week I'm ready to do something different with my nails so I'm sure I'll be using these a lot.
Incidentally, I discovered layering Cherry Smash over Distressed Denim creates a very pretty dark reddish purple. Layering Distressed over Distressed Denim creates a very nice matte purple almost black. Layering these you do get very slight cracks, but not too noticeable so it still creates a subtle texture effect.
And layering the entire works with Essie's Shine of the Times makes it really gorgeous! (I needed some glitter in my life, couldn't be helped!)
Urgh.. stupid
Word of advice, don't cancel an order from EVER.
I placed an order, then decided to cancel it to change my order. They cancelled part of the order but not all of it, so I got charged almost $5 shipping for something I would have gotten free shipping for if they had cancelled my order as I requested. It's not like I let a day go by before trying to cancel, either. It was only about 20 minutes. I guess that teaches me not to cancel my orders from them...
So, boo! I hate when this stuff happens.. I was going to get something really great but instead now I'm only getting one of the items and I'm being charged more for it. I'm not happy.
I placed an order, then decided to cancel it to change my order. They cancelled part of the order but not all of it, so I got charged almost $5 shipping for something I would have gotten free shipping for if they had cancelled my order as I requested. It's not like I let a day go by before trying to cancel, either. It was only about 20 minutes. I guess that teaches me not to cancel my orders from them...
So, boo! I hate when this stuff happens.. I was going to get something really great but instead now I'm only getting one of the items and I'm being charged more for it. I'm not happy.
Ipsos i-Say
If you've never heard of Ipsos i-say, you should check them out! I've been a member for about a month now, and I just earned enough credits to get a $10 gift card to You get points for filling out surveys, so it's pretty simple and it only takes a few minutes a day or less (sometimes between 5 - 30 minutes or so.) They have other rewards, such as charity donations.
I'm going to use my gift card to buy those dotting tools and brush tools my boyfriend told me to buy.. and maybe some other nail art things while I'm at it :)
I'm going to use my gift card to buy those dotting tools and brush tools my boyfriend told me to buy.. and maybe some other nail art things while I'm at it :)
Friday, July 27, 2012
Emerald Green Purple Magic Part 2
In case you missed my first post, here it is.
When I painted my left hand the other night I ran out of time to paint my right hand. So here's some swatches of just Emerald Green and Purple Magic for you.
1 coat each.
I think I'm starting to see why this one is called Purple Magic. It definitely looks very different colors in very different conditions.. I think I'm going to have to try using it over black or white some day. As you can tell, these are both pretty sheer and don't coat very well with just one coat. So here's 2 coats of each.
Sorry for the blurriness. I believe this is with my overhead light on. The next photo is with a flash and I want you to take a look at the purple to see the difference with the flash.
Now you can definitely see the blue and purple in this photo! It really is a gorgeous polish. So anyway, I painted my nails solid and then once again ran out of time to finish them. I had a completely different manicure in mind from what I ended up doing. Tish at Pretty Face, Happy Bank was having a nail art contest for her birthday and I was feeling really bad about not doing anything... I actually didn't sleep very well that day because I kept thinking of things I could do with my nails. I wasn't going to do anything because as I said, I didn't sleep well and nail art is not my specialty!
So here's what I ended up doing... I only use nail polish remover on my nails once a week so I was pretty much stuck with having to work with what I had on but it worked OK. I made peppermint candies on my smallest two fingers, cupcakes on the next two and a sugar skull on my thumb. The sugar skull looks like a cat in my opinion (I forgot that anytime I draw skulls it ends up looking like a cat....) My boyfriend insists it looks like a snowman. My boyfriend was less than impressed with my design and as soon as he saw it ordered me to buy some actual dotting tools and brushes :b
I think I did OK considering I used my left hand! I'm ambidextrous but I was taught to use my right so I don't often draw with my left!
I didn't win Tish's contest, but I knew I wouldn't going in.. I just did it for her and to have some fun. I will definitely be entering more contests and practicing my nail art skills! I'm getting some nail art tools out of this, at least, but I also discovered Emerald Green seems to be a dupe of Zoya's Zuza! I'm going to have to swatch the two together some day to compare. It was my first time doing anything like this.. the cupcakes were fun and much easier than I expected.
The polish chipped after about 2 days.. that seems to be pretty much average for me. Once again, I had issues with my top coat bleeding the colors out. It also bubbled for some reason. I really hope it's just that the Nail Savvy polishes are really old, and it's not my top coat being goofy!
Any comments or questions are appreciated as always. Thanks for reading. :)
When I painted my left hand the other night I ran out of time to paint my right hand. So here's some swatches of just Emerald Green and Purple Magic for you.
1 coat each.
I think I'm starting to see why this one is called Purple Magic. It definitely looks very different colors in very different conditions.. I think I'm going to have to try using it over black or white some day. As you can tell, these are both pretty sheer and don't coat very well with just one coat. So here's 2 coats of each.
Sorry for the blurriness. I believe this is with my overhead light on. The next photo is with a flash and I want you to take a look at the purple to see the difference with the flash.
Now you can definitely see the blue and purple in this photo! It really is a gorgeous polish. So anyway, I painted my nails solid and then once again ran out of time to finish them. I had a completely different manicure in mind from what I ended up doing. Tish at Pretty Face, Happy Bank was having a nail art contest for her birthday and I was feeling really bad about not doing anything... I actually didn't sleep very well that day because I kept thinking of things I could do with my nails. I wasn't going to do anything because as I said, I didn't sleep well and nail art is not my specialty!
So here's what I ended up doing... I only use nail polish remover on my nails once a week so I was pretty much stuck with having to work with what I had on but it worked OK. I made peppermint candies on my smallest two fingers, cupcakes on the next two and a sugar skull on my thumb. The sugar skull looks like a cat in my opinion (I forgot that anytime I draw skulls it ends up looking like a cat....) My boyfriend insists it looks like a snowman. My boyfriend was less than impressed with my design and as soon as he saw it ordered me to buy some actual dotting tools and brushes :b
I think I did OK considering I used my left hand! I'm ambidextrous but I was taught to use my right so I don't often draw with my left!
I didn't win Tish's contest, but I knew I wouldn't going in.. I just did it for her and to have some fun. I will definitely be entering more contests and practicing my nail art skills! I'm getting some nail art tools out of this, at least, but I also discovered Emerald Green seems to be a dupe of Zoya's Zuza! I'm going to have to swatch the two together some day to compare. It was my first time doing anything like this.. the cupcakes were fun and much easier than I expected.
The polish chipped after about 2 days.. that seems to be pretty much average for me. Once again, I had issues with my top coat bleeding the colors out. It also bubbled for some reason. I really hope it's just that the Nail Savvy polishes are really old, and it's not my top coat being goofy!
Any comments or questions are appreciated as always. Thanks for reading. :)
Nail Mail
I got a ton of goodies in the mail today. The first package I received is my most recent Copious order. I bought Sally Hansen Crackle polishes in Cherry Smash and Distressed Denim. I got them both for 1 cent total! I love the crackles and I've been wanting more of them, so I can't wait to try these out. Distressed Denim I've been wanting, so Cherry Smash here is just a bonus :)
This week at Walgreens, they're selling Sinful Colors for 99 cents each. If you hurry and go to, you can get an additional 15% off your order and free shipping when you spend over $25. "Orders must be placed by July 28, 2012 at 11:59pm Central Time to qualify." Just use the code JULY15 at checkout.
Yes, I'm aware of the Sinful Colors drama. I ordered my polishes before this drama came up, and I couldn't change it or cancel it. While I'm not going to buy more Sinful Colors polishes until I hear what the bloggers effected have to say... and see some more action from Revlon, I'm not going to throw out my polish either. Waste not, want not. I'm also aware not everyone has turned against Sinful Colors, so if you want to take advantage of an awesome offer.. here ya go!
I ended up paying 84 cents for my four polishes. Wet n Wild is already 99 cents, so I was able to get that discounted as well and get it at 84 cents. This is the first Wet n Wild polish I've gotten since I was a kid. Back then, it was my go to brand and I can't wait to try this one out. Anyway, I bought Wet n Wild Night Prowl, Sinful Colors Rich in Heart, Bali Mist and Nail Junkie. Looking at my most recent purchases, I seem to be on a purple and teal binge.. I'll have to keep that in mind and find some different colors next time!
I also bought a ton of household items while they were on sale: maxi pads, hair brushes, index cards, Ajax, bar soap and a couple of different kinds of shampoo and conditioner. I ended up spending less money than I typically would for these items, but I got more expensive brands of shampoo and conditioner. I will definitely be buying from more often if I can take advantage of these kinds of sales... I ended up saving over $20 and only spent about $25!
Lastly, this is some mail from yesterday, actually. BIC was giving away free markers on Facebook and I managed to snag one! It's a BIC Mark It Fine Point Permanent Marker in the Hot Aqua color. I also received a coupon for $2 off a pack of 8 markers.. this I may use! We can never have too many markers in a house of artists.
I also saved almost $40 on groceries this week so it's been a pretty good week of savings for me!
Wednesday, July 25, 2012
Influenster Summer VoxBox Review

For those of you who have never heard of Influenster, here's how it works:
"Registered members 'play the game' by unlocking badges that reflect their lifestyle, expertise and power to influence. By earning badges that tell us more about you, Influensters can increase their chances of being selected to receive a themed VoxBox (complimentary packages of products to test & review), rewards (bonus giveaways/discounts) and other special promotions targeted toward our most influential members!"
Basically, all you have to do is sign up with, fill out some info, do some tasks like tweeting, and wait! If you're lucky enough to be selected for one of their Voxboxes, all you have to do is try out the products and review them.
Here's my first photo of my Voxbox when I originally received it.
Full descriptions can be found on their sites or by checking out this announcement from Influenster.
Since I'm on night shift, I haven't had much experience trying out the Hawaiian Tropic Silk Hydration Lotion Sunscreen. I can't really speak on whether it's effective as a sunscreen or not. What I can tell you is I love it! I've used it every time I've gone outside in the day which isn't often and not for long. However, I haven't gotten sun burn, and I live in a place where I get sun burn during the Winter at times.
It smells absolutely wonderful and it didn't leave me feeling greasy like other lotions often do. Typically when I use sun lotion, I put it on, go swimming or whatever and then as soon as I get home I want to take a shower to wash it off. Not so with this sun lotion. I've literally put it on, forgotten I was even wearing it, gone to bed and then didn't notice until I smelled it on myself the next day.
Definitely a win here.
This is actually the second one of these I've gotten. The photo to the left is actually a photo of the first one I received, which you can read more about here. In my excitement, I didn't think about taking a photo of the new one but the one I received from Influenster was identical to the package, except I believe I only recieved 1 tampon in the Influenster package.
Not much to critique here: I do still like the bag, it's very cute and I'm happy to have something else to keep my makeup in. As for the products themselves, they didn't really stand out at it in comparison to other similar products.
I will mention I don't typically use tampons, as I find them very uncomfortable. But for the sake of this review, I did try mine out. This made it pretty clear: I HATE tampons. It was probably just me, but it was so uncomfortable and it hurt. I definitely won't be buying tampons ever. I don't blame the product in this, it's probably just a personal preference so please don't judge the product based on my limited experience.
If you missed my post about the Sally Hansen Magnetic Nail polish, you can read it here.
You will also find more photos on that post, right now I want to stick to the review.
My big problem with this polish was the cap: The instructions state to remove the overcap and set it aside. You will notice, I am not the most mechanically inclined person so such things trip me up momentarily. I kept trying to remove the overcap and I kept taking off both the overcap and the regular cap. I finally figured out that if you keep turning the overcap once the regular cap is shut, you can pull the overcap right off. That first time it was tricky getting off, since then I haven't had any problems :D
I was REALLY looking forward to this polish and I wasn't disappointed. It does take some practice getting used to it. This was my first time using a magnetic polish so if you've never used one before, definitely practice. I started with my toenails, then my left hand, and finally my right. By the time I got to my right hand, I had finally aced the technique.
Some things I love about this polish:
- Dries fairly quickly
- Gorgeous color with or without the magnet
- Nice, smooth formula
Now here's the bad:
- Like all magnetics, these are pricier than typical polishes. I've seen them at Walmart for $10 a piece, although Walmart's Web site now lists them at $8.97. They are still cheaper than many other brands so I'll leave it up to you.
- Now granted I was pretty rough on my nails, doing a lot of housework, etc. but my manicure started chipping after just 1 day.
I was really looking forward to trying the Quaker Soft Baked Bars because it sounds, smells and looks really good. I decided to be nice and so I split it in half and shared it with my boyfriend. I'm sad to say we were both very disappointed!
It tasted bland, and my boyfriend pointed out it mostly just tasted like preservatives. I definitely will not be buying this.
I'm going to review this at a later date, aka next week.
Overall, I was really happy with this Voxbox! I was ecstatic to try out both of the Sally Hansen products, and I will tell you now that I like them both. The Quaker bar was disappointing, but the Hawaiian Tropic sunscreen was a nice surprise. I really didn't think I would use or like the Hawaiian Tropic as much as I have.
Please let me know if you have any comments or questions. Thanks for reading my review, and thank you to Influenster for letting me try these products! I really hope I can do another review sometime.
Tuesday, July 24, 2012
Try it on Tuesday: Emerald Green Purple Magic
Last week I broke into my vintage polishes and tried out a really ugly brown polish by Nail Savvy. This week I decided to try out my remaining two Nail Savvy polishes: Emerald Green and Purple Magic. These two have been used previously but it's been so long since I really did anything with either of them, they might as well be new. I have used Purple Magic once recently in a water marble. I bought both of these during the 90s, so you're not likely to come across them anytime soon.
I also like to try new techniques on Try it out Tuesday, and I just so happened to get my nail tape from Copious yesterday, so I decided to try some line art!
Here's what I used: Sally Hansen Hardener, Nail Savvy Purple Magic, Nail Savvy Emerald Green, Sally Hansen Insta-Dry Top Coat and Kaho nail tape in yellow.
First of all, the nail tape was described as yellow but it's actually a metallic gold. I found it was pretty difficult to work with, but maybe I just need to practice more. Cutting it back, but also getting it to lay correctly were my biggest issues. Secondly, I don't know why Emerald Green has the name it does; emerald and green it most definitely is not!
On with the pictures!!
These first ones are all natural light.
The previous photo you can see this manicure looks better from far away than it does up close... my top coat not only bubbled for some reason, but it made the purple bleed! Not happy!
Here's a couple photos in darker light...
You can really see the bleeding on my thumb in that last one, even though it is a darker picture. I guess it kind of looks green in this dark photos... not in real life, though!
These last ones are with a flash.
Overall I'm really happy with how this turned out... at least at a distance :b
If you have any secrets or tips to working with nail tape, please let me know! I could use some help!
Oops, forgot to mention, this is 2 coats of each. Purple Magic looks much more purple in real life, and it looks much more purple at 1 coat, more blue at 2.
I also like to try new techniques on Try it out Tuesday, and I just so happened to get my nail tape from Copious yesterday, so I decided to try some line art!
Here's what I used: Sally Hansen Hardener, Nail Savvy Purple Magic, Nail Savvy Emerald Green, Sally Hansen Insta-Dry Top Coat and Kaho nail tape in yellow.
First of all, the nail tape was described as yellow but it's actually a metallic gold. I found it was pretty difficult to work with, but maybe I just need to practice more. Cutting it back, but also getting it to lay correctly were my biggest issues. Secondly, I don't know why Emerald Green has the name it does; emerald and green it most definitely is not!
On with the pictures!!
These first ones are all natural light.
The previous photo you can see this manicure looks better from far away than it does up close... my top coat not only bubbled for some reason, but it made the purple bleed! Not happy!
Here's a couple photos in darker light...
You can really see the bleeding on my thumb in that last one, even though it is a darker picture. I guess it kind of looks green in this dark photos... not in real life, though!
These last ones are with a flash.
Overall I'm really happy with how this turned out... at least at a distance :b
If you have any secrets or tips to working with nail tape, please let me know! I could use some help!
Oops, forgot to mention, this is 2 coats of each. Purple Magic looks much more purple in real life, and it looks much more purple at 1 coat, more blue at 2.
Monday, July 23, 2012
It's All About You, Kissy!
My tips were finally starting to show a couple of days ago so I applied 2 layers of Sinful Colors Kissy over top my manicure. Kissy is a very pretty teal, but in my house light it looks green. As you can tell from my photo, I prefer wider tips than usual. I know a lot of times people just do a small, narrow tip but I like doing a wider tip which recreates the illusion of your real nails. Kissy is very pretty and covered very easily.. I'm definitely growing very fond of my new found Sinful Colors polishes.
Anyway, after wearing my nails like this for about a day or so, my boyfriend finally pointed out I was wearing Green Bay Packers nails. While I am not a football fan AT ALL, the more I thought about it, the more I thought how funny it was we both now associate green and gold with the Packers.
He's lived here in Wisconsin for over 3 years now, I've lived here for just under 3. Having lived in Canton, Ohio, the majority of my life I know I previously would have associated my nails with Glen Oak High School. GlenOak is mildly infamous, by the way, because it is one of the schools Marilyn Manson attended as a child. I lived down the street from the Christan school he attended, but I'm getting way off the subject here.
This got me thinking about how weird it was that in just 3 short years I now associate green and gold with the Packers before I do GlenOak. I'm just curious, what do you associate these colors with? I'm sure it's different everywhere, especially globally! I'd really like to know so please, do share!
Anyway, after wearing my nails like this for about a day or so, my boyfriend finally pointed out I was wearing Green Bay Packers nails. While I am not a football fan AT ALL, the more I thought about it, the more I thought how funny it was we both now associate green and gold with the Packers.
He's lived here in Wisconsin for over 3 years now, I've lived here for just under 3. Having lived in Canton, Ohio, the majority of my life I know I previously would have associated my nails with Glen Oak High School. GlenOak is mildly infamous, by the way, because it is one of the schools Marilyn Manson attended as a child. I lived down the street from the Christan school he attended, but I'm getting way off the subject here.
This got me thinking about how weird it was that in just 3 short years I now associate green and gold with the Packers before I do GlenOak. I'm just curious, what do you associate these colors with? I'm sure it's different everywhere, especially globally! I'd really like to know so please, do share!
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