Tuesday, May 29, 2012

A Retrospective

I was reviewing some updates by the always beautiful Pretty Face, Happy Bank and it got me thinking about some things. My first thought when I saw her pictures was "Wow, she's brave" assuming she gets some stares and rude comments from people in real life. I know I certainly did, back in the day. I just have to wonder how much this holds true these days. These days, I have walked around town with people dressed in all kinds of crazy outfits. Awesome, but definitely not your "norm" whatever that may be. Overall, in a world filled with Lady Gaga, furries, Anime and Star Trek conventions, weird just doesn't seem to be so... well, weird anymore. It seems to be more acceptable.

Let me try to explain where I'm coming from on some of this. When I was in high school (late 90s) I was called a lot of names, got a lot of stares, lost a lot of friends, almost got into trouble with the principal on more than 1 occasion due to my idea of fashion. What warranted all of this?

- the name calling & stares: bell bottom pants and tie dye shirts OR wearing all black (because you know only witches wear all black! *ahem* sorry, Wiccans)
- trouble with the authorities: wearing black lipstick
- friend loss: who knows? combination of all of the above + I started having seizures right about this time so my own behavior changed

Yes, back in the day, wearing all black clothes plus black lipstick was enough for people to call me a freak, and for the principal to make comment. I also almost got into trouble once for letting people color my hair with markers. (BTW - if you ever get bored, have lots of temporary markers and want to do something REALLY different with your hair....... this worked better than the KoolAid treatment.)

Of course, this is the same school system which sent me to the principal's office for getting into a snowball fight on the way home from school, not even on the school's property. -end of bad girl stories -

Back in those days, my creativity was at an all time high, so if I had had the money and the supplies, I could have made Lady GaGa look tame. My unique, "weird" fashion that I was able to accomplish back then was very tame in comparison to today's fashion trends, and in comparison to my own fashion ideas. I used to be way ahead of the industry when it came to fashion. It's just very interesting to me how much things have changed in 15 years.

I suppose what I'm getting at also is... have things really changed this much? Are people really more acceptable?


  1. I love this post. It makes me think of myself a lot. I was always out of place being biracial and in the south, even though it was the 90s and 00s! I had a lot of frustrations about myself and that's when my creativity started--writing, drawing, photography, and eventually makeup. My makeup does not hide me, it represents me. It represents me and all the great things I am and am unsure of showing or used to be scared to show. I have accepted MYSELF, and I think that when people start to accept themselves they become more open to accept others. When I was younger, as creative and open minded as I was I would have looked at someone wearing lilac or orange lipstick and thought "please put your lips somewhere that is not visible because that is a hot mess". But if I see that now? I'm saying "that's beautiful" and asking her where she got it.

    1. Aww I'm so glad you read my post and enjoyed it. You were the inspiration! I was the same way - I started having seizures and I felt really out of control with myself, very self conscious and out of sorts with everyone else. Thus the artistic side prospered.

      Thanks so much for stopping bye and commenting :)
