Monday, May 21, 2012

Homemade soap dish (temp fix)

Since I'm cheap, and don't like spending money unless  I absolutely have to... I've been putting off buying a soap dish. I've been getting by with just an old plastic lid. Well, I finally got sick of it and ordered a soap dish. My local stores, of course, don't sell just a soap dish, so I had to order online. Anyway, I finally got smart and came up with a better solution while I wait for my new soap dish to arrive in the mail. This almost makes me want to cancel my order; almost :-D

I just took an old plastic container and cut some holes in the lid, and there ya go! Instant soap dish! Why didn't I think of this sooner? At any rate, it should hold up until I get my real one in the mail.

Speaking of these plastic containers.. if you're not saving your old lunch meat containers or other such things, you should! I always save them, and reuse them to store food in, use for my water marbeling, or anything else I can think of :)

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