Sunday, December 23, 2012

Christmas manicure part 2

One of the annoying things about being on night shift is trying to plan holidays, and trying to plan around other people's schedules. When do you open presents? Do you open them when you wake up on Christmas Eve night or do you wait a couple of hours until it's actually Christmas? Do you wait until Christmas morning or do you wait until you wake up Christmas night? These are just a few of the things I've been pondering the past few days. I finally decided we're going to open presents Christmas Eve evening when we wake up, but Christmas Day we'll be heading over to Josh & Amanda's (my boyfriend's sister and her family) for presents just about the time we would normally be going to sleep. It's going to be a long day. So I'm working on some of the Christmas cooking now so we don't have to do it all in one night.

Traditionally, we have Jello cake for dessert on Christmas day. If you don't know what Jello cake is, basically you make a white cake, let it cool for about 20 seconds, poke holes in the cake, and poor Jello over the whole thing while it's still warm. We typically do a layer cake and do lime and strawberry or cherry. Then we frost the whole thing using whipped cream mixed with vanilla and vanilla pudding mix. My cake is currently cooking in the oven, so I figured I'd take the time to write a little bit here ;)

I don't remember when but at some point in time my mom started making pizza for supper on Christmas Eve and it somehow became traditional as well (probably because there was a time when just about all I would eat was pizza.) Funny enough, I had all of my grocery shopping done for this coming week and then I realized I forgot about our traditional pizza. So I'll be making some non-traditional pizzas for supper this morning and because Mike doesn't like turkey or ham we're having lasagna for our Christmas supper, and I'll be making the noodles from scratch. So I'll have my fair share of cooking to do over the next day or so but at least Mike will help me with the lasagna!

So that's my big plans, let me show you my manicure.

This is a continuation from part 1 in case you didn't see it. I started with bases of: two coats of Model's Own Red Alert, three coats of Barielle Elle's Spell, two coats of China Glaze Pure Joy and three coats of Above the Curve Oh, the Who-manity and finally three coats of Barielle Elle's Spell again. Here's a peek at where I'm starting from with this:

 I had a lot of difficulty getting nice pictures, so I do apologize in advance.

For this I used Pure Ice Champagne, nail art fish egg beads, Barry M Racing Green, Zoya Ziv which apparently is my new go to gold, and Sinful Colors This Is It.

On my thumbs I'm wearing Color Club Gingerbread, which is absolutely gorgeous!
I'm also wearing a Santa decal from the KKCenterHK 3D Nail Seal Christmas Design Nail Seal 373 set, and this is kind of disappointing. The first Santa I applied curled up really bad and I ended up removing it and trying with a second seal. The second seal applied just fine, as did the third seal on my other thumb. However, I don't think they look quite as nice in real life as they do in the picture on KKCenterHK's Web site. This manicure in particular was VERY difficult to photograph well because Gingerbread is just so sparkly! I should have thought about that. :P

Here's another photo of my thumb without the flash.

More pictures, all with the flash.

Here are a couple in natural light.

So I guess that's it for my Christmas manicures for this year! Still will probably have some Winter related ones to do for awhile though :) This will probably be my last post for a couple of days as well as I spend time with my family and finish up cooking, wrapping gifts, etc. Thank you for reading and I hope you have a very Merry Christmas!


  1. This mani rocks!!! Love the designs and the colors used. I super like the one on your thumb with Santa. Looks so cute and festive.
