Sunday, November 18, 2012

My Life Today: Thanksgiving Edition

Well, I'm starting my day by waking up an hour early with a migraine :( No nail spam for you this week, but I do have a bunch of cooking spam. Also, today I won Yardley special edition Christmas soap in a giveaway from Beauty Guru Las Vegas . I was hoping to win that one :) I have the Yardley English Lavender, and I do like it.

I tried out a few new recipes this week.. the first of which is partly a Cook'n recipe for broccoli and chicken crepes with a cheese sauce. The recipe called for Swiss cheese, which I don't like, so I used pepper jack instead. I've been wanting to try making crepes for awhile, ever since I watched them being made on Hell's Kitchen. I discovered they were a lot easier to make than what the show lead on, although mine didn't have to be perfect :P

They were yummy, but the texture of the crepes was a bit strange. I'm not sure how to describe them; the texture was just odd. Different, I should say, and not what I expected. Here's the recipe I used to make the actual crepes.

I received a Thanksgiving gift in the mail from my father & stepmother: a turkey pot containing some fresh mums!
Speaking of my dad, when I was a teenager he used to buy this really awesome pepperoni bread from our local store each week and we would sit down, split the bread and watch X-files together. That was our routine for a long time. The store closed at some point in time, and Giant Eagle moved in, and with that our pepperoni bread was no more. I've been trying to figure out for awhile now how to make it, and the other day after watching this video, I woke up the next night and finally figured out how to make it!

It turned out so yummy that my boyfriend wants me to make it again for our Thanksgiving weekend. I named this post Thanksgiving Edition in part because we already got a head start on our Thanksgiving celebration. Mike has to work Wednesday night so we're not positive what we're doing yet.. I'll be busy making the pepperoni bread and whatever I decide to make for our supper Thursday morning (yes, we flip flop our meals since we're on night shift. some people find that strange.)

The other night we walked to Walmart to pick up some shrimp and steak, both of which I haven't had in ages. We ended up not getting either of those things so we were wandering around the store trying to figure out what we could get since we walked all the way up there and we only had like 5 small things in our cart. So, we ended up buying a hand mixer!

We got this GE hand mixer from Walmart for about $30. It seems to work just fine so far. It came with a case, the standard beaters, dough hooks, a wire whisk and a milkshake attachment. This was an early Christmas present for me :) I've been wanting a mixer for awhile.. mostly because I haven't had mashed potatoes in over 3 years... so our first meal after we got the mixer included mashed potatoes! I'm finally planning on making sugar cookies this year for Christmas also so I'm delighted to have a mixer to make the icing.

Mike hates turkey, and he's not exactly fond of ham so we only eat it very rarely, and this weekend I just happened to have one for us to eat. So we ended up kind of doing a more tradition Thanksgiving meal yesterday: crescent rolls (which I got for free), mashed potatoes, ham and cranberry sauce. That's about as traditional as we're going to get.

So what are we doing for Thanksgiving? Going over to Mike's sister's house to help put up their Christmas trees, Mike wants to make his Chinese Chicken, and I'll be making the pepperoni bread. That's about as far as our plans have gotten so far... and this week I'll be busy cleaning up our apartment to start decorating for Christmas. I do have a Thanksgiving manicure planned to share with you!

I *hope* to get another edition of the Winter polishes posts out this week since I haven't the past 2 weeks. I'm not making any promises though, especially since blogging time will be shortened this week.

Thanks for reading & I hope my fellow Americans have a nice, safe and fun Thanksgiving and *hopefully* you don't have to work!!! To everyone else, I hope you have a nice week as well :)

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