Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Family Dollar Haul

I have a manicure post to share with you all later tonight, but first I wanted to share my Family Dollar mini haul with you.

I got a few new products today, as well as a couple of new ones:
  • Family Dollar Baby Oil ($2.50) - my mom recently recommended using baby oil while shaving, and I've been looking for a replacement for shaving cream so I'm going to give this a try
  • Family Dollar Nail Polish Remover 100% Acetone ($1.50) - can't live without this!
  • Family Dollar Hair Remover Lotion ($2.00) - works better than Nair and it's cheaper
  • Family Dollar Ear Wax Removal Kit ($3.00) - I used this once today and I could hear it working, but apparently my ears weren't as waxy as I thought so I really didn't need to use this... save it for when I do!
  • LA Colors 5 Color Metallic Eyeshadow: Ammunition (.90) - on sale! umm, not sure how much it usually cost. Grey eyeshadows are some of my favorites to work with and oddly enough I didn't actually have any so I had to get this palette when I saw it in their sale bin. Silly me, I didn't even realize it was metallic colors until I got home. :D
  • LA Colors Shimmering Loose Eyeshadow in Black Pearl ($1.00) - this is gorgeous and it's a good thing because I bought it to use for my first Franken polish!
  • LA Colors Sassy Sparkle ($1.00) - I used this for frankening, also. It looks really pretty, full of iridescent glitter. Apparently this is a limited edition polish, I had no clue.
 Here's what my new eyeshadows look like!
The almost white and medium grey are much rosier than I realized. They're still really pretty but not quite what I had in mind. The dark grey in the Ammunition pack is much more dull than I expected, so I'm really happy I bought the Shimmering Loose eyeshadow as well. I'm definitely going to have fun playing with these this weekend!


  1. I want to see the franken!!!!!! Also I wish I could use the hair removal lotion but I'm super allergic to it :(

    1. I haven't made it yet.. still trying to decide if I want more glitter or not. Too bad about the lotion!

  2. I be looking forward to see your own franken Melanie~!! :D

  3. I bought the hair removal lotion, but it didn't work for me. How long did you have to leave it on?

    1. like 10 minutes.. which is what I normally do but I recommend NOT doing that because this most recent time I used it I got some pretty bad chemical burns from it and you don't even feel them when it's happening.
