Thursday, December 19, 2013

Review: KKCenterHk Red Laser Pattern Nail Foil Transfer

I was provided with this item in exchange for an honest review.

Hello everyone,

This is my second review of one of KKCenterHk's nail foil transfers. First I want to mention in my last review, it turns out I did not use the glue correctly so I gave the glue itself a bad review. My apologies to KKCenterHk. Sometimes these things are simple human error issues, and I will updated my old review to mention this!

So anyway, now that I know how to use the glue and foils as they were properly intended... here's my review of Red Laser Pattern Nail Foil Transfer, item number NNAIL-E01. For this manicures, I used the foil, the glue and Chrome Girl Heartbreaker.

I started with just 1 coat of Heartbreaker, and it applied smoothly, perfectly. Then I did the cleanup and learned the sad truth: this one is a hearbreaker because it stained horribly! Dang it! This one just does not look nice however you cut it because of the staining. Gotta hate that.

So moving on, I applied one coat of the glue on top of this. I recommend doing this one hand at a time. Otherwise you're just going to make a big mess out of one of your hands, like I did. Oops. I gave the glue a few minutes to dry, then I cut out a small piece of the foil and pressed it onto my nail. I used a q-tip to help press down the foil and smooth it out. This worked perfectly and the foil came out really nice. Once I smoothed out the foil, I just gently lifted the remaining pieces off of my nail.

-flash, bright light - and -low light -

 The only thing I still don't like about these foils is that you really can't use top coat with them. I've tried several different top coats, and they all cause some kind of problem. Either slight wrinkling or they completely dull down the holo effect. I did try using my Jior Couture top coat on one of the nails and the result wasn't horrible, but even so it only lasted a few hours before I started to notice some wear.

 I think applying a thin coat of a very sheer polish *might* work. I just haven't tried it enough to find one that works well. So unfortunately these were absolutely gorgeous while they lasted, they just didn't last long. They were nice for about an hour or so and then the glue started showing through and the foil started coming off. They still look pretty from a distance, just not nearly as nice when first applied. Oh well. This is definitely a fun look that's worth trying a few times... if you can find them at a better price, that is. They're fun but I don't think they're worth the almost $7 price tag.

Use code GETFANCY at checkout for a 10% discount.
Offer valid through January 31, 2014 
They're also having a sale right now, check it out!

Thanks again to KKCenterHK for sending me this product for review.

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