Saturday, October 20, 2018

Nothing in life is guaranteed

It's funny timing that I started blogging again last week, and blogging about distractions. This past week has really shown me how quickly life can throw us for a curve. Last week I was starting to feel better, and in fact feel better than my usual - I noticed eating wheat germ seems to clear my usual brain fog so apparently I'm going to have to make it a new staple to my diet (all those people out there who claim wheat causes brain fog - yeah, I just have to be contrary.) My husband started a new job, which was going to put us financially in a better position. Things were looking up.

Enter last weekend. My husband got sick, then Monday I woke up definitely sick. It's been impossible to be motivated to do anything - especially with the obvious looming over our heads: my husband not only got sick, he was much too sick to work and so he lost the new job. We both feel he was there long enough to learn an important lesson : that particular job wasn't for him, obviously by how the situation was handled with his former employer but it's also pretty obvious he needs a break from factory work. He's been exposed to so many harmful chemicals over the past few years by working in factories, and it's gotten us no where. Unfortunately, most of the jobs where we live are factory jobs so that leaves us with few options. This is a troubling time for us, because in the short of it, we're looking at a drastic change to how we've been living so I'll have to be smarter about our purchases and menu planning. Looks like I won't be stocking up for winter as I normally do, which that alone makes me nervous since living in Wisconsin you just never know when the weather is going to turn on you (we got a freak snow storm today - our first snow of the year as far as I know.)

I'm thankful for more time to spend together - I'm not one to believe in a 50+ hour work week, not when you have a family at home missing you. Money can only buy so much, and it's not happiness.

I'm looking forward to seeing what God has in store for us in this new chapter in our lives, even if I am nervous and a bit scared. I don't like all of the uncertainty.

I'm hoping to still be able to blog - I'm thankful I'm feeling well enough to do so today, despite a weather related / sleep deprivation headache. Getting better, but it's taking much rest and time, like all things.

So, just your friendly, afternoon weekend reminder - don't take anything for granted because it can change in an instant.

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