Friday, April 1, 2016

Control Your Clutter! e-book by Theresa Smith Review

I received this book in exchange for an honest review.

 I will never be one of those people who live in what looks like a Martha Stewart dream home. I like neat and organized but lived in. At the same time, I'm the person who on Christmas day or my birthday, tries to find a home for all of my new things the very second I'm done opening them. I've always found holidays very stressful and it's no wonder I feel that way, when clutter bothers me so much. This past Christmas was both a blessing and a curse. I was still trying to find homes for all of the presents we received when we got married. Come Christmas we got an extra large number of presents most of which I had to try to find homes for in my tiny little kitchen which was already jam packed. It hasn't been easy. To make matters worse, I've spent the past few years with extra fatigue than normal. The past year or so I've been getting sick or sporting an injury or just something almost every single month. My home was no longer a home, but a big fat mess. Fortunately or unfortunately with my husband getting sick as well the past few months, while he was looking for a new job he was doing a lot of my normal chores which allowed me to both rest from the overtraining I now know I did, but also focus more on other areas of cleaning and decluttering the house which I normally don't tackle so much. It's taken awhile but I finally feel like I'm getting stronger and I'm at a good place with my physical activity where I do have more energy most days. I'm not sweating just by doing the cleaning around the house and feeling better because I'm not doing too much for my body. The house is finally coming back together, and getting decluttered and clean so of course I'm feeling better because of this as well. I still have a few hot spots, but I know with time I'll get to those as well. I told my husband several weeks ago, I thought this would be the year I finally get our clutter under control and it seems I was right.

The book I am going to review today has been one tool I've used to help declutter my home. The other is which helps me stay on track with my cleaning.

This book is Control Your Clutter! You don't have to get rid of EVERYTHING! Even hoarders will succeed with this method! by Theresa Smith

It is a quick read at 52 pages.

This book focuses on helping people control their clutter without making them feel like you are taking everything away from them. This alone often helps remove the anxiety involved so they can get started. Just the idea that there is an alternative to selling or tossing their stuff helps many people succeed.

I feel like this book is a very good starting part for helping people get their clutter under control. It definitely seemed to help me get back on track in just a few weeks. There are a few small points I don't agree on with the author, but that's just me.

I'm not sure how much this would help hoarders since I'm not one and don't really have much experience with them, but it's a start. The problem I see with this helping hoarders is, the author's method allows you to keep some things. With the hoarder mentality, they can rationalize why they need every little thing so I'm not sure how much this would help. Being poor, I can definitely relate to that mentality of having to save things, though.

This book is easy to read and follow. I like that it's broken down by room, so that makes it easy to focus on one area at a time and get things under control. Once you get one area clutter free it becomes addictive and makes it easier to tackle the rest, or at least for me.

I never realized how few storage places I have in my home until I read this book, so it's no wonder I deal with clutter. That in itself I found interesting as I read along, keeping track of the lack of storage others have and probably take for granted. I have to be more creative because of this!

I would recommend this book mostly for people who aren't entirely organized because it should help get some things under control. I will also recommend it for people especially with mild levels of clutter because it seems to me it would help them more.

Control Your Clutter! is available on Amazon for free with Kindle Unlimited or $2.99 as an ebook. It is also available for $7.99 in paperback.

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