Wednesday, January 20, 2016

Cooking with Melanie

I have nothing to disclose. 

I'm bored so screw it. Here's another random post for today. This post represents why I need to blog about my cooking more often. Get ready for some food porn. 

Potato salad. Yum. 

Umm. I think these were meatball pizza rolls. 

My birthday cake. Strawberry jello cake topped with strawberries of course. 

I cannot make jello cake correctly since I moved to Wisconsin. But I keep trying. 

My birthday meal. Salad with chicken and eggplant on the side. Need to eat like this more often. 


I'm guessing Mike made this. 

Homemade beef jerky. 

I can't remember exactly what this was but I remember it was good. Some kind of dumplings and beans. 

Now that's a hamburger. 

I want to say these were just chocolate chip cookies with nuts and I maybe added some peppermint and the dyed them green just because. 

I tried making yogurt. It didn't turn out right. It helps if you read the thermometer on the Fahrenheit side and not Celsius. Haha. Oops. 

Mixed berry pie. 

I have no idea. Maybe an oven baked pancake with cherries. I forget. 

Egg scramble maybe. I can't remember. 

Orange jello cake. Still trying to get it right. 


Banana nut bread 

Navajo fry bread which I cooked on the Foreman grill because the stove was acting up. 

Dried apples

Bratzli. Swiss cookies

Stuffed green peppers 

Gingerbread roll. My first time making a cake roll. It was just ok. Not too difficult to make. 

Skillet bread I made in our electric skillet. 

Cast iron skillet corn bread. 

Mixed berry muffins. 

Obviously I cook a lot. I cook a lot and take a lot of pictures but I often forget what things are and I lose recipes. I need to make an effort to blog about all of these yummy goodies and more from now on. 

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