Saturday, February 7, 2015

Spells: Ten Tales of Magic (ebook) review

I received this item in exchange for an honest review. Image and blurb source

Good day my faithful readers! I'll apologize for what seems like the millionth time as of late for the lack of blog posts. This past week has been quite the learning experience for me, as I've made many new friends so that's been taking up quite a lot of my time. What's more, I am barely sleeping these days. But apparently that agrees with me because I've also lost a ton of weight this week. The no sleep, new friends weight loss diet? Seems to be working wonderfully for me. I also feel as though a piece of myself has returned to me, and some of the long ago brain injuries are being undone. Thank God. So anyway, I just have a lot going on right now. Hope to be back soon with some more manicures, but for now I have another book review for you from the wonderful editor, Rayne Hall.


 The authors of these ten tales have spun yarns based on the premise that magic is real, but it requires skill to harness its force, and abuse brings danger. Suspend your disbelief, and find out what happens when people use magic to gain power, healing, wisdom or love.

Some stories take place in fantasy lands, others in the world you know. Some are short, others long; some are funny, others poignant; some aim to entertain, others to make you think. Each author has a different vision of magic, a different way of telling a story, and a different writing style. See which of them resonate with you.

Read about wizardry, witchcraft and sorcery. Let the stories guide you into worlds where magic is real, and enjoy the enchantment.

Will Ambrose betray his magic system just to save an idiot prince?

2. OBSESSION by Pamela Turner
Some questions are best left unasked.

3. LADY BARD by Cherie Reich
A love song may be the only cure for a cursed prince.

4. THE FINAL SPARK by CJ Burright
She couldn't afford to fail again.

5. ST JAKE OF THE FUNHOUSE by Douglas Kolacki
For Edward, the 'saint' part was the scariest.

6. BARNABAS by Jeff Hargett
Sixty years, Barnabas has searched for his magic. Will he finally find it in Matilda’s Magic Shop?

7. BY YOUR OWN FREE WILL by Rayne Hall
What price would you pay to get your heart's desire?

8. A MAGICAL MELODY by Ciara Ballintyne
In a world where magic is in the music, Avram must settle the score before it's too late.

9. BRAINS, SEX OR MONEY? by Tara Maya
What would you choose?

10. THE WHITE RAVEN'S FEATHER by David D. Levine
Ibude is a warm-weather wizard held hostage in a frozen land, but his troubles can still get worse. 


I've read quite a few of Hall's collections by now. This wasn't my favorite, but it definitely has it's share of funny and interesting stories. I found System, Magic, Spirit to be quite witty and humorous and the story itself different and interesting. I think this was one of my favorites in the collection. Continuing on, Obsession was amusing and entertaining but yes - my OCD would like to point out that October 13th does not a Scorpio make, but a Libra. Lady Bard I found to be sappy, but the romantic in me enjoyed it. The Final Spark seemed a little long to me, though good nevertheless. St. Jake of the Funhouse was not one of my favorites, but it was kind of an interesting idea. I didn't think it was great but it wasn't terrible, either. Barnabas I really enjoyed, and found it to be pretty funny. Those who enjoy comic fantasy I think would enjoy Barnabas especially. Rayne's work does tend to be a little bit predictable at times, and By Your Own Free Will was no exception. However, I really enjoy Hall's sense of humor and this story did not disappoint. A Magical Melody wasn't my favorite in this work, but I can appreciate the idea as being somewhat unique and interesting. Upon reflection, I'm reminded of some of the music fighters in various RPGs when I think of this story. Brains, Sex or Money is very short (2 pages in my Kindle), straight to the point and a great example of cynical comedy. Lastly is the White Raven's Feather, which I just didn't seem to be able to get interested in.

Overall, I enjoyed this collection although a few of the stories felt a bit lacking. For the 99 cent price tag on Amazon, it's a decent purchase.

My thanks again to Rayne Hall and for providing me with this e-book for review.

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