Friday, September 27, 2013

NOTD: Sugar Sugar... Black Tie Optional

I have nothing to disclose.

 I have a bunch of random manicures to share with you over the next week, in addition to a bunch more reviews! Today, I'm going to show you two drug store polishes, Sinful Colors Sugar Sugar and Hard Candy Black Tie Optional.

Sugar Sugar is a gorgeous red and if you look closely, you'll see it has a bunch of gold flakies. Last Christmas I bought this one for my sister in law, and I always regretted not picking up a bottle for myself... so a few months back I had the chance to snag it.  It's a gorgeous color but as you'll see in the photos, it sure did stain my fingers!

Black Tie Optional is a fun black and white glitter, full of hex and bar glitters of different sizes.

I really love this combination together, it's just too bad Sugar Sugar stained so much.. it kind of ruins the effect. Oh well, you win some and you lose some :)

1 comment:

  1. The colours are so beautiful!!! But if it stains, that's a problem...
